
Blogging for Creative Freedom

Writing sites are a good way to write while earning some money. But writing sites come with rules and regulations. Most of the writing sites nowadays prefer posts which are SEO specific and would be ranked high in the search engines. Very few sites encourage personal bloggers. A recently launched site even makes changes to the posts submitted by you which is not acceptable to me as a writer.

Another thing is that most of the writing sites pay you too less and you lost your right over your articles. I never really read terms & conditions of the sites before joining them and now I regret because I can neither delete my profile or posts on a few sites.

And this is why I think blogging is the best option. You can write on the topics of your choice on your blog. Blogs give you the creative freedom and an outlet to your thoughts without the fear of breaking some rules and losing the payment in the process. Blogging doesn’t mean instant money but if you work consistently on your blog then you may earn money using adsense or affiliate programs. Blogging may not be profitable in terms of money but it’s a far satisfying experience in terms of creative expression.


What do you think?

Written by swalia

Art of Living teacher||Blogger||Tarot Card Reader||Astrologer||Media professional||Avid reader