According to experts, spending time with children is very important, both in quality and quantity. We know that time is one of the most precious resources and if you have kids, you need to provide it every day to educate, guide, correct, approve and ultimately, to accompany your children in their passage through each stage of life. But how can today’s parents, who assume at least three roles (parents, couples and workers), find a balance between their family, personal and work life? If you’re asking yourself the same question, I’m sure this post will help you.
In the lack of time, we must learn to delegate some tasks if we talk about work. Thus the education of children, should not be delegated completely to a third party, as mom and dad are irreplaceable. It is precisely they who promote confidence, security and self-esteem in children with their teachings. When one of the two is repeatedly absent (especially if it is the mother), the consequences do not wait.
The Absence of Parents: Consequences
When children grow up with their parents but are repeatedly absent for long periods of time, mood changes are frequently observed. Also, it is associated with school failures, activities that should not do and in extreme cases, delay in talking or affecting their motor development.
In this way, it has been observed that those who grow up without the proper accompaniment of the elderly can find themselves in the future, at risk. Surveys carried out by experts claim that annually in Europe there are more than 190 cases of suicides of young people between 10 and 17 years old, being the abandonment, or lack of company, supervision, and affection on the part of parents, one of the main causes.
It is necessary to clarify that even those who live with both parents, but they do not dedicate enough time to kids, can also grow with some deficiencies. The challenge, then, is to create strategies, according to the dynamics and reality of each family, so that they can spend a large part of the day playing, talking and sharing with children.
Psychologists and experts in child development recommend spending at least three to five hours a day with children, distributed throughout the day when both parents must work. With more reason, when the child is under 3 years of age, you should dedicate time to be able to supply his emotional needs. Therefore, it is ideal that one-third of the day the child’s basic and affection caring be cover to create a special bond. Then, when the children enter the garden, it is possible to reduce the time shared with them because they need to do their own learning process and socialize with others.
Quality of Time
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Education requires time because, in coexistence, a kid learns to follow the behavior patterns of adults by observing how they respond to a difficult situation. The idea is that each shared moment has an essential ingredient: love. A task can be delegated but not the love that is transmitted to the child.
Quality time varies according to age. With newborns, it is important that mothers take care of the baby until their first birthday. Then, when they grow up, certain tasks can be shared with the grandparents in case the parents do not arrive on time. And once at home, parents should try to be at the time of homework, meals, etc. to create important memories in them.
Key Moments to Share with Kids
Wake up for breakfast:
Awaken your children with love, joy, and patience, with a kiss, a caress or a sweet word. Ideal if the whole family agrees at the moment of waking up so if you have at least 30 minutes of time, make it worth. This stimulates good humor in children.
It is important that all members of the family are present. Try to make it a special moment, slow and quiet, if it can not be lunch, let it be dinner. Take the opportunity to engage in a constructive dialogue with your children.
The arrival of school and work:
The perfect situation would be for parents to come home at the same time as their children from school, or at least, one of them. Receive your kid with a hug and embellish him with your good humor.
The homework:
It is not about doing the homework to the children, but about guiding them so that they assume their duties responsibly. Children should feel free to ask questions to parents when they have doubts.
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Establish sleep routines, such as bathing them before going to bed, playing quiet music (especially newborns), changing their clothes or reading. Better if these activities are always developed at the same time.
It is key that when parents are with their children and family, they really be present, not watching cell phones or television or solving work problems. The time with the children must be for them; have eye contact, physical, emotional, play share, listen and respond.
very very nicely written. its obviously true we should manage time for our kids.