
The definitive guide in lowering your stress levels

Stress will always be with you as there are always monthly bills to settle, taxes to be paid, car to be repaired, children’s illness to treat, home and work responsibilities to face and so much more. But this is not your waterloo; you are in control of your life and could manage your stress. There are ways to minimize the stress, ease the pressure and assume control.

Importance of learning the management of stress

It is risky living within high levels of stress. It wreaks your emotional stability and destroys your physical health. Most of all, it limits your ability to think clearly, your brain to function effectively, and to enjoy a quality of life.

Unhealthy ways of coping with stress

Smoking tobacco or marijuana;

Imbibing pills or drugs to relax;

Drinking too much booze;

Indulging on junk or comfort food;

Spending hours at the phone;

Too much sleep; and

Taking out stress on others.

Guide to help lower your stress

1. Identify the sources of stress in your life

Identifying the origins of your stress is very complicated. You have to analyze your own behavior, feeling and thoughts that added your daily stress levels. Look closely at your current attitudes, excuses and habits. Consider stress as an integral part of your work or home life. Prepare a stress journal for you to write and identify your day-to-day stresses and how you handle them. When you feel a particular stress; record in the journal. After sometime, you will begin to see in your daily certain patterns and common themes of your stresses and your reactions.

2. Substitute those unhealthy strategies of coping stress with healthy ones

Consider the methods you are presently using to cope with your life’s stresses. Your stress journal can help you identify them. If you observe that way you handle these stresses are damaging your physical and emotional health, it’s time to find healthier ones. Focus on what makes you feel calm and in control.

3. Practice the 4 A’s

Stress as a response that is automatic originates from your nervous system; some arise at times that are predictable.  It’s helpful to consider applying the four A’s: (1) avoid; (2) alter; (3) adapt; or (4) accept.

Avoid stresses that are unnecessary;

Alter in the best way the stressful situation;

Adapt and learn to handle the stressor; or

Accept all things you cannot be changed

4. Get moving

When you feel stressed, you probably do not like feel getting out and do some exercises. Perhaps you know that physical activity is a big and effective stress reliever. Exercise releases endorphins that give you a good feeling, and it serves as upscale distraction from everyday problems.

5. Connect to others

Nothing is more relaxing than engaging precious time with people who give you the feeling of security and understanding.  In fact, close interaction with people starts hormonal shower that activates the body’s defensive response. So it is good practice to connect regularly with your family, friends and people.

In your everyday life, you should reduce stress for it is vital to maintain your wellness and overall health. Furthermore, it allows more productivity, boosts your immunity, improves your mood and promotes long life. The powerful impact of stress on your health affects your well-being. The natural response is activated in the brain. By learning how to lower your stress levels, you are helping yourself lead a better life.

Online Therapy Therapists

This write up was written by E-therapy. E-therapy is a UK based online therapy system where users can now contact therapist online and setup an online chat. This is a very cost-effective form of counselling or therapy. By using E-therapy services you can now connect with some of the UK’s top therapist in real time and from home.


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Written by OnlineTherapy