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Today it’s all about RESPECT and seven steps to ensure that you get it all right, so first you need to understand that respect is not automatic and it is not guaranteed it’s something that you have to earn and it all starts with respecting yourself, okay if you don’t respect yourself you can’t expect other people to respect you they’ll sense it and treat you accordingly.
Step number one take pride in your appearance this means your hygiene this means your grooming this means your style by taking pride in your personal packaging you’re sending the message to the outside world you dress like crap your pants hanging down off your ass with your underwear show and guess what this is sending a message to the world about yourself worth that you don’t care so why should they your breaths tanks hairs not comb gentlemen people notice and are going to treat you accordingly.
Step number two stand up for your beliefs by expressing your true feelings, even when these true feelings are different than your friends and peers now this step is probably in my opinion, one of the most difficult steps to actually master because so many times we get caught up in this herd mentality we don’t want to rock the boat and we’re afraid to tell people what we really think even if what they’re doing is wrong and what you feel is absolutely right gentlemen you need to be an independent thinker in order to command respect.
Step number three speaks respectfully say please and say thank you and clean up your language there is no need for excessive use of profanity when you’re cursing all the time guess what you sound unintelligent and ignorant and you know what happens, you do that person automatically tune you out you do not need to curse in order to get your point across that.
Step number four think before you react now this is not something that is easy to do, but what I encourage you to do is practice thinking prior to reacting so many times when you get into a volatile situation people automatically snap they react, they don’t think they don’t process exercise and develop emotional discipline now this takes practice but the more that you practice the more of an advantage you have over everybody else who is emotionally volatile.
Step number five respect others ok the golden rule, you’ve heard it for years you’ve heard it since you’ve been little everybody’s like, oh I treat others the way that you want to be treated it sounds simple right, but gentlemen, I’m here to tell you respect is a two-way street if you don’t show others respect and consideration for their views or feelings don’t expect them to respect you or yours the deal is we don’t have to agree with people we don’t have to see things eye-to-eye are on the same level but the fact is you need to respect where they’re coming from and try to understand you may not okay, you may come to the conclusion that they’re batshit crazy, but at the end of the day you listened and you tried to understand and guess what they’re going to respect you for respecting them another aspect of respecting others is don’t bad mouth people don’t talk behind somebody’s back if you’ve got a problem if you’ve got an issue if you’ve got something you need to say to somebody say it you can do it in a respectful manner that enables communication as opposed to backstabbing gossip.
#1 rule in my book. Respect is earned.