It’s this time of the year when end of year celebrations are in high gear everywhere. However, it’s important to get the office organised and clean before the celebrations begin. Luckily, it’s possible to hire professional office cleaners to prepare the place. You will enjoy the celebrations without worrying about the mess. Celebrations and corporate functions help everyone relax and wind down with colleagues and clients. So, cleaning should be the last thing for your staff to worry about while in a festive mood.

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Cleaning for office Christmas celebrations
A well presented and organised office space is ideal to get everyone in the mood for the celebrations. Therefore, it’s a wonderful idea to schedule office cleaning from a team of professionals. These will handle everything including windows, bathrooms, carpet cleaning, and general vacuuming. You can always bank on a reliable cleaning agency for their expertise and efficiency in organising your office space before the D-day comes and after the event cleaning.
After party cleaning
It’s very important to plan for what happens when the party is over and everyone has disappeared. Cleaning this mess is not fun at all. Therefore, it’s a good idea to book professional cleaners to handle this on your behalf. These have the experience and appropriate equipment to handle such tasks. A team from the agency will be available to make your office space sparkling clean regardless of how big the celebrations were.
One off cleaning
Before the new year comes, it’s a great idea to prepare your office. This requires keeping it well organised and clean. And, it’s very important to begin 2019 with your space appealing to customers and staff. The trick is to book an agency that handles commercial and house cleaning services in Dublin to come over and clean your office space. The services to expect from professional cleaners include floor buffing and polishing, dusting and cleaning the blinds and curtains.
End of year office cleaning checklist
Clean up the papers
It’s important to be aware of the papers to keep and those to discard. This requires properly going through all the drawers to separate the files into the two categories. It will help determine their fate. Keep them together with related papers and put them away in labeled folders in a file cabinet. For those to discard, check to see that they don’t have personal information. If they have, it’s highly recommended to have them shredded.
Wipe everything down
With everything organised and ready for 2019, it’s time to wipe everything clean. This should cover all computers and the desks. Additionally, everything that people touch should be wiped as well. This is because an average office worker touches over 10 million bacteria a day. The phone alone might be carrying about 25,000 bacteria microbes for each square inch. Therefore, it needs wiping as well.
Who to clean your office for this year’s celebrations
A reputable Dublin cleaning agency is your best bet. These have qualified cleaning staff with experience in all aspects of office cleaning. These might include stain removals, antibacterial and mould treatment, and cleaning emergency spills. Regardless of whether you’re considering regular cleaning or a one off cleaning, these should pride themselves for reliable and professional service.