Owning a swimming pool comes with lots of benefits, like being able to cool off in the privacy of your backyard when it’s hot, or taking laps in the pool ahead of hectic work day. However, these benefits come with certain responsibilities like using a filtration system to keep it clean.
What does a pool filtration system do?
As the name implies, a pool filtration system filters out all the debris that accumulates on your pool over time. This includes things like tree leaves, bird feathers and other debris that can make your pool look dirty. Some areas make it a legal requirement for pool owners to filter their pools after a certain amount of time. But, this isn’t always the case so you may need to establish your own routine based on the size of your pool and the amount of water that needs to be changed.
How does it work?
The main component of the pool filtration system is the skimmer, and it works by draining away debris around the side of the pool. This helps to filter out any accumulated debris before it gets to the pump. Through this process, the pool drives the debris to the top of the pool, where it’ll float until you remove it with a skimmer.
However, there’s large debris that may not be able to float to the surface. This is taken care of by the filtration system’s strainer basket. From there, the water travels towards the filter box where it may be filtered according to the type of system being used.
The different types of filter systems
Let’s jump right into it. Here’s a breakdown of the different pool filter systems available on the market:
Sand filters
Sand filters are arguably the most popular type of swimming pool filter there is. This is probably because they’ve been around for much longer than other systems and have proven to work time and again.
These filters mainly come in the form of big round plastic containers that are filled with sand about ¾ of the way. Only special sand is utilized on these filters, including premium Zeolite sand, Pool Filter sand and filter glass which is so fine that it can trap cryptosporidium and even filter out blood cells.
They operate like any other filtration system with the only difference being that the water is filtered through the sand, which is very effective at catching even the smallest debris particles.
Sand filters must be emptied out after every season and replaced after 3 to 5 years.
Diatomaceous Earth Filter
This is considered to be one of the best water filtration systems around due to its efficiency. Just like pool filters, they feature dome-shaped plastic containers that carry ¾ of Diatomaceous earth to filter the water through.
The only snag with DE filters is that they’re difficult to use because they contain so many components, and some users have reported experiencing lung irritation from breathing in diatomaceous earth. But, there’s no denying that they offer the best result as they leave water sparkling clean and your pool looking like new.
Cartridge Filter
You might be familiar with cartridge filters if you own a hot tub because this is basically the same thing. Cartridge filters are usually made from paper, fabric and even pleated plastic.
The water passes through the material to filter out the debris through a component that’s located in the center.
Cartridge pool filters are perfect for above-ground pools and they’re super easy to use, even for beginners. They’re less demanding on your pool pump and they’re known for their efficiency which saves you money in the long run.
Needless to say, cartridge filters are easier to maintain than sand or earth filters, but they need to be replaced every 2 to 3 years or else they become ineffective.
Come swim season, fiberglass swimming pools in Perth are usually filled with leaves and all sorts of residue leftover from the winter. Your pool filtration system is essential to making sure that the water stays clean and swim-ready throughout the year.
Luckily, you’re spoilt for choice with different filtration systems to choose from, and most systems are sold with a pump so you won’t have to buy it separately.
So there’s no excuse for you to not invest in a pool filtration system. Your pool will thank you for it and so will your pocket because a clean pool causes less trouble.