Some might consider weaning as an event and rashly begin without a notice, however, weaning is more of a process. It’s done gradually step by step. Currently, there are 3 weaning types identified today-
Mutual Weaning-
When both mother and baby adopt anything other than breast milk. Food ingredients like water, alternate milk choices, solid food and more.
Baby Lead Weaning –
When the toddler decides to drift away from breastfeeding on his own. This may leave the mother feel rejected at some level but, that should not be the case. It’s a transition bound to happen sometime, it’s better to embrace the change without feeling abandoned.
Mother Lead Weaning-
Here the mother decides the time to stop breastfeeding. Now, this can be because of various reasons like work, sickness, another pregnancy, sickness and more.
Why Weaning-
While discussing weaning let’s just start from the top. As per the World Health Organization highly advise for exclusive breastfeeding for 12 months. Breast milk is devised of all the necessary nutrients required for your child’s initial growth and wellbeing. But what after 12 months? You need to incorporate cow milk into your child’s diet. Many Pediatricians suggest to start feeding full cream cow’s milk to the child after 12 months, it consists of all the right fats that your child needs. Not just that, all toddlers below 5 years of age should not have any low-fat food, as it’s their basic stage of growth.
Now going back to the initial statement, you should not immediately start off with breastfeeding after 12 months. Continue breastfeeding and add cow’s milk by little amounts. You will find a variety of brands selling organic milk online, select one, prepare a few spoons of kheer, custard, or Dalia to start off the weaning process.
Benefits of Feeding Cow milk-
Fresh Cow milk is often referred to as a superfood because of obvious reasons. The white elixir packs an army of nutrients and minerals essential for a baby’s diet. Proteins, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B12 and B2 to name a few are present in every sip of cow’s milk. However, all the benefits of cow’s milk are preserved in its original form. Some mothers mix it with water to secure a better digestion but the reality is different. Adding water to organic milk not just dilutes its nutrients but can also spark many waterborne diseases. Then there is always the risk of unfiltered water.
Imbibing Cow Milk into your Child’s Diet-
Now the best way to start with this process is combining breastfeeding with cow’s milk. For the first week start by offering a ¾ of breast milk with a ¼ of cow milk in a bottle, continue the same for a week. Now make the ratio 50% for the next week. At last, inverse the ratio with ¾ of cow milk and ¼ of breast milk for another week. This slow transitioning will help your baby adapt with the weaning process.
Very nice. Thanks for sharing
Very good post. Thanks for sharing