
Embracing life as it comes!

Waking up every day in the morning makes me excited about the day. In 24 hours of a single day, a lot of things happen. Sometimes things change just within some seconds. Always waking up with a positive attitude makes THE day to MY day, which makes me feel very confident and proud. Slowly and gradually the day passes off so as my emotions. While going to school, I’m very determined to do my work and to expose myself to a lot of new things as I always keep the doors of my life open to let every positive and novel things enter my life. While I’m in the school my mood swings a lot from positive to negative and from negative to positive. As the day progresses, I feel relaxed. Going back home fully energized brings a smile not only on my face but on my parents’ face as well which in turn makes me ecstatic. The day goes on with happiness and with a great walk in cool breeze in the evening and with a BEAUTIFUL word ‘GOODNIGHT’. It also reminds me of an alluring thought which is ‘Think of all the good moments of this day and keep a smile for tomorrow’ GOODNIGHT…..


What do you think?

Written by swalia

Art of Living teacher||Blogger||Tarot Card Reader||Astrologer||Media professional||Avid reader