

Photo courtesy of Caras Mexico Magazine.

This quote translates to: I asked time what I should do to alleviate the pain. Time responded, ‘Just let me pass….’

It’s hard to let time pass by. It’s a lot harder to do when you keep thinking about all the waiting.

Having fun makes this process easier. If you have fun, you will be guaranteed to feel like time flew by.

When you are trying to get over someone, a divorce, or the ending of a relationship, you need to let time pass, before you can do anything, really.

Sometimes divorces take two years to finalize. Sometimes, it will take you a few years to get over that person, and be ready to start dating again.

Time won’t heal your wounds, but time will teach you how to best heal the pain. Time will teach you how to move on from it, not just how to live with the pain. Time will give you enough distance to make the pain go away in the end; but ultimately, what time will do, is it will help you see the lesson in all of your suffering.

The question after that will be, whether or not you choose to see that lesson, and truly learn from it.

If you don’t learn the lesson, the same thing will keep happening over, and over again, until you see the lesson you were meant to learn from.


What do you think?

Written by Maria Ayala