
The Synonym of Freedom: Say Karadjordje and Freedom, it’s the same!

In 1804, a “cutting of princes” occurred in Serbia. The Turks killed all the most prominent leaders of the Serbs.On February 15, 1804, on the religious holiday of Sretenje, an uprising was raised in Orashac. Djordje Petrovic Karadjordje(Black Djordje) was elected leader of the uprising.

Born November 16, 1768…, died on July 26, 1817.

He was about fifty years old. He was the highest, the strongest, the most beautiful, dressed, richer, married at the age of 32 from Jelena. The uprising spread rapidly across the Belgrade district, there were villages that were passive, out of fear. Karadjordje did not want to allow this, drastic measures forced people into a rebellion.In almost two months, almost the entire Belgrade district was liberated.

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In the summer of 1805 the sultan sent a strong army from the south from the direction of Nis. Comes to the famous battle at Ivankovac, ended with the defeat of Turkey. Since then, the rebellion of the Serbs against the Turkish army has become an open war for independence.

In 1806, the sultan sent two armies, one from the south, one from Bosnia from the west. Both Turkish armies were defeated in two great battles, on Mishar and Deligrad.After these battles, a new Serbian state was restored.

In 1807. Russia starts a war against Turkey in the Balkans.Serbs and Russians cooperate.But Napoleon starts planning an attack on Russia, which can not be fought on two fronts and makes peace with Turkey in Bucharest.1812 … the eighth point of Bucharest’s peace .. it is predicted that the Serbs will stop fighting, returning under the Sultan’s authority with the promise of the sultan that will be given back privileges. Since there are no guarantees that the Turks will respect peace, Karadjordje and other leaders decide to continue the fight.

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In 1813. Turkey attacks Serbia from all sides. At the end of that year, there is a breakdown of the uprising. Karadjordje with a part of the people is hiding in Austria. Though quenched, the uprising is of great importance. For almost ten years Serbia was free, and it turned out that the Turks were not invincible.

In 1817. he came secretly to Serbia in order to agree with Milos Obrenovic on a joint action, but according to Milosevic’s order, he was killed in the night between 25 and 26 July 1817 in the village of Radovanje near Velika Plana. Milosh Obrenovic did not want a new fight, and Karadjordjev’s return to Serbia would mean new conflicts and takeovers of power.

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His body rests in the mausoleum of the Church of Saint George at Oplenac, the foundations of King Peter I.

Karadjordje’s popularity grew over time in the legend and beyond the borders of the Serbian insurgency. And for the modern generation of Serbs, Karadjordje is a synonym for a national leader, idol and inspiration.


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Written by marija64

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