The biological or medical study and treatment of the gastric diseases or stomach problems are what a Gastroenterologist does. The study also includes parts such as large intestine, small intestine, rectum, gallbladder, pancreas, and liver.
Diseases and problems
The major disorders cause in our stomach is treated by the Gastroenterologist. Some of the diseases are Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD), Gallstones, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, anal fissure, and constipation, bloating, stomach cramps are some of the common digestive disorders.
Treatment and specialties
The treatment includes medical treatment of the medical professional whereas the subspecialties include surgeries like Laparoscopic Surgery, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Banding Surgery, Gastric Stapling (restrictive ) Surgery, Stomach Surgery, Pyloroplasty and Gastric Cancer Surgery. Whereas the treatment of the common digestive problems can be treated by the proper medication and food habits.
Eligibility, Requirement, and Salary
If you want to apply for the job of Gastroenterologist you need to be eligible for the post which demands the medical degree of university certified by GMC. Three years of the residential training and three years of the comradeship training in the field of Gastroenterology. The salary of the Gastroenterology Jobs per year ranges from 42,000 – 143,000 euros, whereas the average salary sums up to around 85,160 euros.
Jobs for Gastroenterologist
You looking for a job as Gastroenterologist? Medico partners are providing easy earning jobs in the field of Gastroenterology or as Gastroenterology experts. If you haven’t registered yet, do register yourself and apply for the jobs of your choice.
About us
Medico partners is a virtual platform or agency which provides jobs and employment to the locums and medical professionals in the field of medical science and treatment. The agency works both for the sake of locums or applicants and the clients but the major aspect is to allow the appropriate and well- equipped treatment to the people in the hospitals of UK.
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This is useful information Thnx!