Infection with the Coxsackie virus, also known as a disease of dirty hands is rare but very dangerous. If it’s not diagnosed in time it can affect the heart muscle and lead to its permanent damage.
It is therefore very important to recognize this disease as soon as possible; since the first of its symptom and seek professional help. Infection with Coxsackie virus commonly occurs in school children and teenagers. Conditionally it can be concluded that the disease is arising from dirty hands because the source of infection is the throat secretions and stool.
Dirty water and hands are a major source of the carrier of the virus outside the body that can survive up to several days. Infection occurs throughout the year and is characteristic for the period of initial contacts between the children when they are staying indoors.
Two types of disease
There are two types of this virus – type A, which in effect is much stronger, and type B – which is slower but potentially dangerous because it can attack the heart muscle and cause infection lasting and severe consequences.
The infection with Coxsackie virus type A is also called the disease of the feet, hands and mouth, although it can also cause conjunctivitis. On the other hand, type B commonly causes respiratory problems, fever, abdominal pain and headaches. Both types sometimes lead to meningitis, myocardium and pericarditis.
Adult patients, particularly those with low immunity, are exposed to greater risk of heart problems. Until that comes because in the event of contamination, impairing the cells and heart muscle is no longer able to contract, causing heart not to send a sufficient amount of blood in the body.
In defence of the virus, the body creates antibodies, which sometimes activates the body to attack its own cells. Coxsackievirus can damage the heart muscle.
Infection with Coxsackie virus is similar to the common cold and presents with symptoms similar to those of flu. Sometimes it passes without any symptoms and therefore is often called – disease by 10 people; except when the body is attacked by virus type A; when on the hands, feet and mouth are visible painful blisters.
In the initial phase of the disease occurs malaise, drowsiness, discomfort and weight loss, sometimes accompanied by diarrhoea and sore throat. Then occurs a fever, headache, vomiting and abdominal pain. This is followed by performing so-called meningeal phase who’s most important characters are; a headache and vomiting, defence reflex, indicating an increased tone of the neck and back muscles, swelling of lymph nodes in the neck, sensitivity to light and sounds; bradycardia (slow heart rate), constipation and impaired consciousness.
Diagnosis and Treatment
The presence of coxsackievirus is not possible to detect by standard biochemical analyzes. Therefore, in case there is suspicion of infection, the blood of the patient is examined with special tests. Because there is no treatment against this virus; treatment is symptomatic, which will help the body to cope with the cause of the disease.
Nice informative post. Thanks for sharing