If you are planning to relocate, it’s smart to think about renting your own moving truck in order for you to be in control. Renting a moving truck will save you a lot of money, however, flexibility is one of the most important advantages to this option. You will be able to decide when to begin and end your move without any rush or pressure. You can plan your residential move at your own comfortable pace, take good care of your items, and choose your truck wisely.
We have collected all the things you need to know about if you plan on renting yourself a moving truck.
It’s All About The Size
After you are able to size up all your belongings and estimate the space they will take, choose your moving car accordingly. Choose the right size of your moving truck, because if it’s too small, it wouldn’t accommodate all your belongings. And if it’s too big, it will be just a waste of your money. You can view all the different sizes of Home Depot trucks in this review about Home Depot truck rental, from 12-foot moving trucks up to 26 foot. Sometimes, there are calculators available for users on the websites for rental companies that you can use to estimate the volume of your belongings if needed.
Determine Your Budget
The cost estimate for moving trucks depends on many factors that you need to take into account. From the size of your moving truck, the distance of your drive, and the duration you will be using it for. Don’t fall into the common mistake of forgetting about the toll cost especially if you are going for a long drive that requires driving on the highway. Sometimes one-way move where you don’t have to return the truck, rather you drop it at a different station that is closer to the place of your relocation will cost you more money. Make sure to ask about all the details when it comes to the cash to prepare yourself.
Who’s Going To Drive And Who’s Responsible?
Rental companies usually allow up to 4 drivers and they charge them individually. However, many have a policy to not charge family members any additional cost. These companies usually require legal identification that proves your identity and your ability to drive. Regardless of the riders, the one who signs the lease for the moving truck is the responsible one. Most companies accept cash personal checks, and debit cards, but some will specifically require a credit card as the payment method.
Driving A Moving Truck Might Be A Challenge
You would need to inspect the truck before you sign the lease. Be aware that you might be stopped at some weight stations, so ask your rental company ahead to warn you about these stations on the highway. The driving might be a challenge but if you stick to the rules, the speed limit, and keep a safe distance from other cars, you will be good to go. Drive safely and don’t forget to ask about the truck insurance just in case.