
How to Secure Your Personal Belongings and Valuables from Theft in Your Home

When it comes to home thefts, the statistics reveal that jewelry and cash are the most commonly stolen items in burglaries. Other home items on burglars’ wishlist include expensive artwork, gems, fancy watches, small electrical goods, computers, and other appliances.

Luckily, there are quite a lot of creative ways to keep your valuables safe at home. Let’s check them out!

Install Security Cameras

Home security cameras act as an effective deterrent to larceny. Gone are the days of expensive surveillance cameras that have been used by rich homeowners only. Now, modern IP security cameras are reasonably priced and fairly easy to use alike.

Installing security cameras at all the entrance points is an effective way to discourage thieves from breaking into your house and keep them at bay. If something was stolen in your house, these cameras will record everything and collect precious video evidence officers could use to catch thieves and solve the crime.

Install a Home Alarm

Do you have any home alarm? If not, then consider installing it soon. Research reveals that about 60 percent of robbery attempts on houses with alarms fail. Nevertheless, about 75% of homeowners still do not use a burglar or security alarm.

There are a variety of home alarms these days; however, these are the two main types:

  • Alarms with audible alerts – They start sounding when triggered, which is supposed to scare off burglars.
  • Monitored alarms – When activated, they are meant to notify the homeowners (via an app or by phone) or a monitoring center who will then immediately notify the police.

Stash Your Cash  

It’s not recommended to keep large amounts of cash in the home. If you don’t store cash in a security safe or bank, then be sure to hide it at a place where the thieves are not likely to go through. It is important to think imaginatively. Here are some unusual and creative ideas on where to stash your money:

  • A freezer bag
  • Inside a book
  • A filing cabinet
  • A patch pocket of an old blazer
  • A mason jar
  • A sock drawer

Hide Your Valuables In a Creative Place

A jewelry box is definitely not a good place to keep costly jewelry in, as this is the first thing burglars are going to look for. With that in mind, you need to be more imaginative when choosing a hiding place for your jewels as well as valuable jewelry items like silver or gold bracelets, necklaces, and rings.

Here are a few creative spots to hide your valuables:

  • On the bookshelf, inside a fake book
  • Inside a fake wall outlet
  • A false bottom of house potted plants
  • A fake VHS carton or tape
  • An old teacup

Keep Your Cash and Jewelry Stored In a Security Safe

For additional security, you can store your high-value items in a wall gun safe or fitted storage locker. There’s just one small problem. You can’t lock all of your valuables and personal belongings away. After all, you’d be deprived of the enjoyment of these valuable things by keeping them out of sight.

In conclusion: Other Precautions

Last but not least, do everything possible to make your house a less attractive target for thieves and robbers. Try to make it an inconvenient, difficult target that forces possible burglars to move on.

Also, avoid oversharing personal information, especially not on social media. Ask a trusted family member, neighbor, or friend to monitor your house when you’re leaving on vacation. Keep your cash, jewelry, and other valuable items safe during holidays and festivals.

If you have more genius and creative tips on how to protect valuables from break-ins and home theft, please share them here to let other people know.


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Written by Virily Editor

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