I was checking my appics feed yesterday, when I bumped into a post by user hauptmann, where he described how he claimed free candy by coingecko and redeemed the amount for a free ebook ‘How to DeFi, !
Isn’t that amazing!
Of course I thanked him and went to discover more, by visiting the website!
To start right from the beginning …
June 23rd, 2020 – Coingecko announces the launch of their candy campaign
In short, you sign up, you enter the website and every day you can claim a specific amount of candy!
Introducing CoinGecko Candy, our brand-spanking-new rewards structure on CoinGecko! Starting today, we will be giving out candies each day. Collect them all and you can redeem them for exclusive goodies found only on our site.
CoinGecko Candy can be collected daily from our website on CoinGecko.com (Candy jar on top right corner) as well as through our handy CoinGecko App available on both iOS and Android.
How to start claiming your candy?
It is extremely easy! You just sign up with your email, and you have your own dashboard to add your favorite coins, and also can collect candy daily!
What to do with these candy?
The main purpose of CoinGecko Candy is to exchange them for Rewards – there are many possibilities here, and we’re only just getting started.
At the time of launch, here are some of the things that you can redeem with your candies:
CoinGecko Store vouchersCoinGecko How to DeFi bookExclusive 15% discount voucher from CoboLimited Edition Blockchain Heroes NFTLimited Edition CoinGecko-Axie Infinity NFT ItemLimited Edition CoinGecko 1st POAP NFT
LINK > https://www.coingecko.com/account/candy?locale=en