If you happen to find single use gloves thrown, make sure you do not dispose them …
… in the recycle bin. They cannot be recycled and they may infect people that will touch the recycled garbage.Also, please remember …
Not To Throw Your Single Use Gloves in the nature.
I keep getting so angry when I see the garbage, every time I am unpleasantly surprisedI have come to believe that we need to show people what is going on around them.
What is your opinion on this?
This picture is of the single use glove.To be very honest with you, I had seen it for a couple of days and just left it there wondering if anyone would pick it up.Guess what, no one did.
I did not have any gloves with me so I picked it up with a piece of paper I had in my bag, which (I later noticed) had the word ‘animal’ (ζώο) written on it, from a game we were playing at home.
Strange coincidence, huh!
This is a movement of showing what is being found as garbage thrown at the beach, in the nature – I believe that it can help motivating other people to (a) not throw garbage (b) clean it for creating a cleaner mother earth
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That’s sad. Maybe if it’s just one it’s an accident, but here I see a lot of single-use masks on the ground. A very ugly sight.
Yes, you are right. We not should throw them into nature.