
How To Create An Infographic As Someone Who Isn’t Designer

From the side of a person who isn’t a designer, making an infographic that’s both awesome and effective can seem like a very hard job…but that is far from the reality. Follow my newbie-friendly infographic design tips and learn how to make your own amazing infographic.

First before you begin to think and to work on the design, layout, charts, or aesthetics, you need to think harder about what you want to succeed with your infographic. And why are you making this infographic?

1. Make it useful

When you are making an infographic keep in mind that your audience needs to gain something very specific from looking at it that is why it is called visual content. That very specific thing should be highlighted so that your audience can easily spot it in your infographic.

2. Gather data

You’ll need to do research to gather data to help you answer each question you want to answer in your infographic.

If you have your own data, it is easy–you can move on to the next step! If you don’t have don’t worry. There’s a huge amount of public data available to you, but you need to know where to look.

Google search can be a good source for getting your hands on useful data.

3. Identify the audience for your infographic.

Infographics don’t promote themselves on design alone. You need to present, deliver visual content and to do that, you need to know the audience that you want your infographic to reach.

According to a research, there are five possible audiences that can change how you choose and visualize your data: novice, generalist, managerial, expert, and executive

When you are thinking about the data you want to visualize, let the 5 audiences above dictate how advanced your data will be.

4. Choose your desired infographic template.

The next step is to find and choose an infographic template that will fit and be appropriate for representing the data you want to deliver to your audience. The very important thing is to choose a template that works perfectly for the type of data and content you want to present.

5. Customize your infographic

For sure this is the hardest and most time-consuming part — but it’s also the funniest part. You just need to come up with a catchy and fun title, put in your content, and choose your font sizes and formatting. Feel free to use graphics and colors but not too many stick to 3-4 colours, so they’re relevant to your brand and the data you’re providing.

For other templates, you can use the graphs and charts provided by the platform you are getting your template to create things like the bar graph or the pie chart.

Final words:

These tips are from a newbie and a person who learned how to make infographics from online videos and articles if some of them are not correct please don’t blame me since I am warning you. But I really hope you will find them useful and will help you in the future to build your awesome infographic by yourself.


What do you think?

Written by Sam Oldham

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