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Quiz: Plants and Animals

There are a lot of plants and animals that share our planet with us. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our day to day lives that we don’t pay much attention to either, but they are constantly there.

Here in Montana, there are more large animals than there are people, and there are plants almost everywhere. However, even in cities, there are plants and animals.

This quiz is in regard to those plants and animals.

  • Question of

    There are between 2.5 and 3 million plant and animal species in the world that are known and catelogued. T or F: Between 1,000 and 10,000 new species are discovered every year.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    T or F: There are more species of insects that are known than the total of all other kinds of animals, combined.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    One of the divisions that plants are grouped into is dicotyledons or dicots. These are plants with seeds that have two embryonic leaves. Common dicots include oaks, beans, apples, and clover. T or F: If you point at a plant totally at random, there is over a 1 in 8 chance that you will point at a dicot.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    T or F: Of all animal species and except for the insects, there are more mammal species than any other kind of animal.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    T or F: There are estimates that there may be as many as between 15 and 100 million species of plants and animals in the world, though fewer than 3 million have been catelogued.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    T or F: According to scientists, over 95.5% of all animals that have ever existed are now extinct.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    T or F: There are more known plant species than known animal species, but the numbers are fairly close to being even.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    T or F: There are more known reptile species than known amphibian species.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    T or F: There are more known bird species than known reptile species.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    There are more known species of ferns than there are known species of birds.

    • True
    • False


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by Rex Trulove


  1. Enjoyed this very much! Imagining how full the world would be if some species did not die out is mind boggling. We know so little about creation, proven by the more we learn the more we see there is to learn! I believe we could be infinitely learning about this world, its inhabitants, and its resiliency in the face of changes because our Creator’s power is infinite.

    • I agree with you entirely. From what we’ve learned, it is amazing how wonderfully self-regulating this planet is and how many checks and balances are in place. It can be quite humbling, as long as people don’t give in to the natural human tendency to be arrogant.

  2. Quiz: Plants and Animals

    You got 9 out of 10 right!

    Perfect. You rock!

    This was great Rex. Hard to believe that 95% of animals are extinct that have ever existed. Very sad fact.
