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You Owe Me an Apology!

It’s quite a statement isn’t it! My Mom often used these words often. She always followed it by some very wise words that I often return to her words in my darkest hours. 

So what is the reason for apologizing to someone?  My Mom would contend it has very little to do with the person you are apologing to. It is about recognizing that you have to fix “your” heart and learn to forgive.  Eventually, forginess becomes instant because you have practiced it for so long you know that holding a grudge only eats at your soul.

If you owe someone an apology, do yourself a favor. Give it to them and free your heart and spirit. The only one you are truly hurting by hanging on to it is yourself .

  • Question of

    Do you have someone you should apologize to?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you believe my Mom was right?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. It is very true it is about fixing your heart when you apologize. I find, however, that there is a line. I will not apologize to a person that calls me names or insults me. I will do my best to ignore that person forever.

    So I guess I believe there are lines. If you resort to name-calling (stupid, or “the likes of you.” then it becomes that person problem, not mine.
