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A Year of Random Kindness

Do you know that February 17 is National Random Kindness Day? How nice is that? What would it would be like if every day were such a day? Any who are interested will find that thinking it through could make it so.

Anonymous is a word often associated with random kindness, and with good reason. Many want to reach out to others but do not want or simply cannot be inundated with endless requests for help. After all, everyone’s emotional and financial accounts are limited.

Random kindness, though, goes beyond helping others materially. Such acts can be as simple as a sincere smile to a small child or older person, or showing some interest in what a student is doing. It could mean looking the person most won’t give a glance to in the eye and saying “Have a nice day” or offering to help a neighbor who’s been struggling by doing house or yard work for them.

As much kindness as we are able to give to others is exactly how much we should give, but it does not help others to allow them to use us as doormats. Wisdom is needed as we interact with people. It is possible to have good intentions, only to later discover that we’ve not acted wisely.

If we think carefully before acting, though, we will very often find that there are more opportunities to show kindness than we realize. Start planning now for special ways to enjoy February 17, then check out the poll below and let us know what you think.

  • Question of

    Do you think random kindness make a difference in people’s lives?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Would you like to see more people demonstrating random kindness?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Will you look for opportunities to engage in random kindnesses?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

17 Points

Written by robertatalloni


    • Thanks very much for taking the time to read and comment on this post. If readers continue the discussion beyond the post and take the concept into their communities the goodwill can spread.