I’ve looked around and I’ve not seen a “Would you rather?” post recently. I thought this kind of “post” are really interactive and fun … So I decided to make one again!!
Question of
Would you rather…
have your drunk video posted on Youtube
have your ugliest photos posted on Facebook
Question of
Would you rather…
Puke on a bus full of people
Fart in a lift with just you and someone else
Question of
Would you rather…
Be trapped in an endless cycle
Be time travelling all the time with no control
Question of
Would you rather…
Be lost in a foreign country without any money
Be rich but confined in your house
Question of
Would you rather…
Pee on the dance floor
Get caught slapping the butt of the opposite gender
Question of
An extremely ugly photo of an enemy is being put online…
Like the photo and spread it around
Let it as it is, let others spread it
Question of
Would you rather…
Accidentally buy something non-refundable that makes your bank go down to $2
Sell something really expensive for $2 (non-refundable)
Question of
Would you rather…
Give up internet for a week
Give up caffeine for 3 days
Question of
Would you rather…
Be taking “Would you rather…” quizzes
Talking to my llama
Question of
Someone you really hate called to ask if they can come over…
“My fortune teller says I can’t have guests over today…”
“Unless you let me post that ugly photo of yours online…”
Question of
Would you rather…
Be in a room full of insects
Be in a room full of 2 years old
Question of
You only have $2 with you, you’re hungry, your phone is down, you’ve a powerbank but no cable…
$2 to get a cable
$2 to get food
This kind of post always enjoyable.
Really, I will pray that you will not have to experience such things in your life.
Yes… please don’t let it happen to anyone…
It’ll stone from trying to make a decision lol
This was super fun, great questions! I find some of the answers hilarious, like 83% for giving up caffeine instead of internet, and only 57% prefer the 2-year-olds to the insects. 😀
Hahaha, I’m so glad you had fun!!
I had fun making the quiz too!!
I had one similar but it was named-What do you prefer? Questions was different, of course. I had fun.
I’d check yours out later!
And I’m glad you had fun !! :p
I would be glad you to check my post.
interesting poll…….
Thank you for taking it, hoped you had fun!!
Of course I am, the poll is fun