Of all the existing feelings, the most dangerous feeling is hatred, especially hatred for no reason! No one can fully explain this feeling, but most likely, hatred is a consequence of one of the fundamental sins that man can cultivate in his soul – Anger.
Don’t let despair, anger, hatred, the desire for revenge control your life! – Wednesday’s thought!
Do you allow hate to dictate your actions?
I have the feeling that … the hate virus is spreading by air. “Tony Parsons. It is very accurately described in this expression. It destroys everything the soul of man.
OMG! I hope hate is not a contagious virus!?
Love the picture of Maya showing her teeth. I don’t feel hate so much. I do hate traffic, does that count?
Maya becomes a beast when someone upset her!?
Fear and hate are common now, especially with everything happening in the world. It’s sad…
When hate is replaced by love, things will go better in the world.
Hate is very dangerous. It leads people to go crazy
Hate makes us see things in a distorted way!
Hate is no where and never appreciated
Hate is the worst feeling.
Hate is an ugly emotion, it brings out the worst in us. It is often baseless and beyond the limits of rational thinking.
I agree. Hate brings out all the worst in a person.
Once had a man next door that threatened me on a daily basis. I went into a rage anger and then realised this would not get me far.
He threatened to kill, had me run off the road in the traffic etc
Well, in the end I realise these people have no conscience, which is why they do bad things. I prayed first
a blessing on him
next that God would provide him with a very large slice of moral conscience.
Within 6 months we made friends and no more of that.
There was no reason for his hate, all I did is ask him to tone the noise down as he was 14 feet away and the way he spoke with curses and profanities was horrible.
Well, he moved on and see him no more.
I’m sorry you went through such moments and I’m glad you went on. I wish you a peaceful life.
There is a reason to be angry and to hate but it largely depends on the control of y our emotion.
It is not normal to let the unpleasant moments define us.
I do get angry at sites that owe me money but don’t pay. I also tell them angrily what I think but then I get what I want. Other than that there is no hate in my life and I am a very calm and reasonable person
It is normal that sometimes get angry, but we must not let this anger turn into hate and take over our soul.
Why do you think a thank you post is a provocative post?
If you say so! How can I contradict you?
AWFUL SELFIE? Come on!! You are an artist! Don’t you like the way I look? Isn’t that a funny photo? I love it! ??
I do not allow hate or drama in my life.
It is a good approach, for a harmonious life!
Hate is a not good in any condition
I agree. Hate destroys our soul.
Hate is not good for the world and even for your own health.
You are right! The hate can make us crazy!