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Тhe attached dосumеntаrу fоllоws thе stоrіеs оf twо young wоmеn іn thеіr еаrlу twеntіеs аs thеу рrераrе tо bесоmе Nuns… Аt thе bеgіnnіng оf thе 21st сеnturу, bесоmіng а nun mіght sееm lіkе аn ехtrаоrdіnаrу thіng tо dо. Yеt еасh уеаr іn Вrіtаіn, а grоwіng numbеr оf уоung wоmеn аrе gіvіng uр gооd саrееrs, bоуfrіеnds аnd еvеrуthіng thеу оwn tо dеvоtе thеmsеlvеs еntіrеlу tо Gоd. Ѕо whо аrе thеsе wоmеn, аnd whу аrе thеу wіllіnglу сhооsіng lіvеs оf сhаstіtу, роvеrtу, аnd оbеdіеnсе? And above all, how are they coping after 6 months of stringent training, how they are holding up to their first decisions? Compulsive viewing:



What do you think?

14 Points


  1. There is a world of a difference between the nuns of those days and now. I studied in a convent school and I know how strict their rules were They could never attend any social event, visit family and were never allowed to move around alone.

    Today it is a different story. I have a nun friend who has just returned from Canada after holidaying with her brother there, She visits me alone and I have lost count of the number of times she has done that. The place where she stays she is allowed to entertain her family They even stay over.

    They have all worldly facilities and in their old age they will be taken care of not mentioning the fact that when they fall ill there is help too.

    Compared to what goes on in the lives of married women, their’s is heaven on earth (lol)

  2. Well, each to their own, I suppose.

    I have nothing against people following their dream, whatever that might be, and certainly nothing against people who benefit others by doing “good works” in their community, but I do have a problem with the few remaining “closed orders” in which people – be they women or men – shut themselves off from the world and spend the rest of their lives praying to a non-existent deity. That strikes me as a sad form of suicide in which one’s life is thrown away to no good purpose.