This morning in the quiet hours I took a look at a stack of papers in a blue file folder. There was quite a stack and the folder was not labeled. So while the grandkids and rest of the family were sleeping I decided to sort the things in that file. If there were papers that were outdated and had no use the kids could make paper beads. They like to make them and find that they sell well and they can make a little pocket money.
The second thing I found was quite different and brought tears to my eyes. I hadn’t seen it for many years. It was the life sketch wrote for Mom’s funeral.
I think the last line is the one that I liked most this time.
“So Mom, keep up the good work. Enjoy that 6 ft spirit. We’ll catch you on the other side.”
Question of
Have you ever written a life sketch?
Question of
Do you cherish something that is hand written by someone who has passed on?
Question of
Do you love serendipity?