There was a stark contrast on show at the world Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
On the one hand President of the United States Donald Trump called on the world’s economic leaders to be optimistic over climate change and not listen to the “alarmists” who forecast “Armageddon”.
And then there was Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager, who castigated her audience – and those beyond – for being far too slow to take action. There is plenty of talk, she said, but nothing is being done to solve the problems.
So where do your sympathies lie? To whose words are you going to pay more attention?
Who do you trust more on the question of climate change?
Donald Trump
Greta Thunberg
The Trumpanzee is in his 70s; he shouldn’t see another 20 years. If in 2050 Amaggedon happens, well won’t bother him. Greta should be the one who will confront it.
A very good point. Trump really understands only one thing – money. In his mind the only thing worth doing is making as much as possible and it doesn’t matter what happens decades down the line.
But as human beings we should be better than that.
Trump is the worst of us. The fact he has followers speaks volumes. If you look back, one always finds a leader who tries to be better, to strive for values. This one is a pig wallowing in sh8t just like his followers.