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What should my next post be about?

While I post some of the pictures I take and plan to learn more about photography, I also like to write about my thoughts, and share my knowledge and experience with you.

There are times I’m not very inspired, and times I have so much inspiration I don’t even know what I should begin with.

I thought of letting you choose what my next post should be about.

It will help me know what content you’d like to read the most.

Maybe this is just an excuse to get some extra motivation.

Let me briefly explain the options.


My personal experience with OCPD

I didn’t get an official diagnosis, but I believe most of the traits described in the Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder are relatable and affected my life negatively.

Actually, they still do. If you’d like to know more about this disorder, please read the article I posted here on Virily.

I hope sharing my own experience will spread awareness about the most common personality disorder in the US.


Racism in Italy

I know, not a positive topic, yet I think it could be interesting to read.

Lately, racial tensions have been rising all over the world, especially in Europe. However, if you’d like to get a different insight from a person who was born and raised in Italy, you know what to vote for.



Oh no, another post about astrology!

I’m undecided, making this an option with two options.

I could either share my views and the coincidences I experienced, or pick a planet and describe its features, and how it acts in each sign and house.

You can leave a comment telling me what you prefer, but I’m more likely to go for the latter.


Poll about make-up

The easiest content, right? Well, I plan to add pictures of me, so it won’t be THAT easy.

I won’t spend money on cheap products I don’t use, that could also ruin my skin. I think I will rely on an app to get false lashes and a countoured face. I don’t even know how to apply that stuff anyway.

I will ask about your make-up routine, habits and preferences.


I’ll be grateful if you cast your vote and help me with the following question.

Why do Americans often use apostrophes as ‘quotes’, and not “quotes”? It makes sense when you deal with double quotations, but I’ve seen that happening when it didn’t make any sense. It influences me to the point I sometimes follow that ‘rule’.

  • Question of

    What should my next post be about?

    • Personal experience with OCPD
    • Racism in Italy
    • Astrology
    • Poll about make-up
  • Question of

    Do you often put words into ‘apostrophes’ instead of “quotes”?

    • Yes, I often use ‘apostrophes’
    • No, I use “quotation marks”, they were given that name for a reason


What do you think?

24 Points

Written by sabtraversa


  1. It’s funny I never thought about ‘apostrophes’ verses “quotation marks” before. I always use “quotation marks” out of an old habit. When I’m reading I have always treated them the same. I don’t even really notice when ‘apostrophes’ are used instead. Now, I will probably notice but it is still “mox nix” to me. Whatever someone wants to use. — I like your bravery of letting readers choose.

    • I guess foreign English speakers pay more attention to grammar rules, because they play an important role when learning a new language, while native speakers seem to give several things for granted. ? I’ve been writing in English for a while, on a daily basis, so I’ve been starting to ignore “your” instead of “you’re” or “their” instead of “they’re”. ?
      I kind of regret having let the readers choose, as the winning topic (racism in Italy) is very complex and it’s what led me to take a break. I’m now recovering and writing drafts.

      • A lot of people here in America are dreadful at their native language. Really dreadful. It seems to get worse with time. English as a second language speakers are often better than 60% of Americans. My Italian is quite the infant and it will be a long time, if ever, that I get to the intricacies of correctness. I am good at ordering wonderful coffees though. I could look up the apostrophe thing. I may find out I’ve been doing it wrong for decades. As you can imagine I would never write about racism in America because it is a sordid business. I would be sad and enraged having to think about it. The ugly truth is in my face all too often already. My advice is to forget and have another idea to write about. The only things I know about Racism in Italy I learned from watching the movie “Everybody’s Fine” 1990 ( Stanno tutti bene). Let it go if it is worse than that.

        • I looked this up – apparently it is interchangeable. And, it’s not mentioned very often. I like to use the single marks for indirect quotes in the middle of a sentence. Visual aesthetics I guess.

        • When it comes to languages, if most people break the rules, then it’s the rules that end up being wrong, not the people, as the language is supposed to serve the folks, and not rule over them. ?
          I’ve never watched that movie but it could help with what I’ve been writing, thanks for mentioning it. Racism in Italy is mostly about fear and prejudice, no supremacism unless we talk of how Italians are proud and conceited when it comes to food and history: in that case “we” truly feel superior. ?

          • The movie is sweet really. They skirt the discrimination of Sicilians a little bit. Very little. …. You have the right to be proud of your food and history because I think it’s worthy. Especially the food. Oh, the food.

    • I think most prejudices are justified, but a chance should be given to the minorities to make them prove otherwise and earn a better reputation. I’m having a hard time writing an article about racism in Italy, as the trend is recent and we don’t really have the same serious racism (supremacism) of the US… except what comes from the very few fascists left.

        • Well, we make fun of other nationalities and believe we’re superior when it comes to food, art and literature, but we’re still able to think highly of foreigners. I didn’t know Romans were that racist, they were dumb because they owned slaves, but these were usually of the same race. ??

  2. Racism was a huge problem in the Serie A this season. I like to watch Lazio play, but I cannot root for them because their fans are so racist. The whole incident with Moise Kean and Bonucci was absolutely ridiculous. Fans were so racist towards Koulibaly this season that he is looking to play in England next season. He is looking to leave Italy for England. That’s how racist Italy is.

    • Lazio is one extreme case that thankfully doesn’t represent the whole country. The fans are such a shame. I didn’t know about the incident with Kean and Bonucci. It’s true the fans can be easily provoked, but it doesn’t justify the racism. It takes a high level of stupidity to insult someone because of their skin color.
      At the same time, there are cases where people exploit their condition of being a minority, and play the so called “race card” when it was clear no racism was involved.
      There’s much worse outside soccer, and much better as well, fortunately.

      • That is true since there are so many immigrants coming in from Africa into Italy. You could do an article on how the amount of new people in the country has affected you in any way.

  3. Publish what is currently giving you inspiration, dear friend … whatever you’re going to publish, I will read with pleasure

    • Thanks! That’s what I usually try to do, but needed some motivation to write about these topics. I always want to write about them, but lose my concentration too often. ?

  4. Please write about what you see around you, the place you live in or the nature around you. Just to give you a few ideas.

    • Thank you! ? I’d like to visit some places close to me and take pictures, but I guess I can also search for images on the internet. There’s indeed a lot around me, and again, I don’t know what to begin with. ?