
Love ItLove It

What Matters?

Disclaimer: Unless mentioned by name there is no real or inference, referring to anyone on this site, real or fictional.

I am back from the funeral and he’s buried. Another chapter of my life has come and gone. My father had asked someone to speak at his funeral. I don’t recall ever seeing the man, but that wouldn’t be unusual. When we went to visit we spent time with him. We never went to meet his friends.

The man who Dad selected gave some interesting thoughts and one has really been stuck in my mind. He posed these questions, “Why are we spending so much time working to improve things that we are not good at? Why don’t you find something that you really good at and just keep getting better at that enjoy your success?”

It made me think a bit, but then there was a long drive and getting everyone to the cemetery, traffic, and general mayhem. I just let it go. Today I opened Virily and read that the views are still down and I think I understood that recycling material with high views grabbed some more views. Gosh, is that why I am here? I am here to grab views? In order to have the site, there must be views and am I just selling my soul to the company store for a few dollars a month? My answer? Maybe. Maybe that is enough for me. Maybe it really doesn’t matter if it’s read, understood or responded to. Maybe I sold my soul long ago. Do I even know what I am good at? 


  • Question of

    Do you think it’s good to ponder?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Is it time for a change?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Is there anything I am good at?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. first, asking questions that prompt thinking – you are exceptional at that.

    I love the fact that your blog is an open window into the world you see (you are good at that also)

    I think that like all things, what we are good at has to evolve.

    we start off good at virtually nothing other than crying.

  2. I was pondering the same question about why am I here, so I stayed away from the site over the weekend. Sometimes I wonder if they things we spend so much time on will really matter in the end.

  3. Deep down inside when the time is right the answers will come to you. It helps me greatly to express myself so writing and poetry are the things I love to do the most. Since it gives me peace of mind I continue to do just that but it certainly is a rocky boat I am in.

  4. Yes, some of the latest self-help books talk about this.

    To do things you are good at, or like doing, and to drop spending time on the stuff, you are not naturally good at, or have no inclination for.

    The whole education system is geared against this though.

    We are told to improve ourselves in subjects that we are no good at, or have little interest in.

    We are seldom told just to forget about studying what we are no good at and only to study more what we are good at.

    Sports, though, are ahead of the game here. They are more only focussed on their sport, than on anything else, or they try to improve at what they are good at already now.

    We wouldn’t expect a skilled cricketer, for example, to take up rugby playing, or table tennis, for example. We leave them to improve themselves just at cricket.

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