
Love ItLove It

What lies beyond


and that can be clearly held by

cupping your hand over your ear

to hold it dearly close.


lies beyond. We reach for

a handle

or a foothold to push

or pull

it does not move/

Does that matter?

Or is it meant to


stand beckoning us

to the edge

hands cupped

on ears that cannot hear

wondering now

what lies beyond?

  • Have you ever stood and wondered what lay beyond?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

16 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Lovely poetry and I for one know that beyond are all the ones I long for and want to someday meet again. Through the loss of my husband I have traveled up beyond and I know it is a completely other world and everything is in a different dimension.

    • it is truly a journey. I like the thought that each of us finds a path and on our path we receive tokens. When we are again together we can compare the many tokens and smile.