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What is my job? – The answer!

Well! My attempt to make a portrait has not been successful. Of those who answered my question, only 38% gave the correct answer. I can conclude that my portrait is only 38% well taken.

Norman Darlington said: “He is not wearing a uniform, and he is not wearing a business suit either.” He looks clean “… and concluded that the subject in the photo is a teacher .

Carol said: “I chose a photographer” without explaining why!

 The correct answer is… “a photographer”

 What would I want you  to see in my photo? THE EYES! A photographer is always looking for interesting subjects and the gentleman in the photo, a well-known photographer in my town, just seen something interesting and was preparing to take a picture. It seems I have not been able to highlight this in my picture!

I do not know who are the others who answered correctly but I would like to know! They could get a prize!


  • Was your answer correct?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ileana Calotescu



  1. May I ask why you felt he would not be happy to have been featured in your photo? From this information, I inferred that he was part of the protest/demonstration, rather than observing it 🙂

  2. Wow I got it right. Sorry I did not give a reason. He just looked like one, something about the way he was dressed, I don’t know, just a feeling I had. 🙂