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What Do You Do For Your MEtime?

Have you ever researched #Metime on Twitter?  The wonderful things people do for their precious moments.  Relaxing in a warm bath with flower petals floating in the water.  Going on a nature walk or hike.  Enjoying a cup of tea.

* We all know that resting and relaxing is key to maintaining our physical and mental health.

* We all need some time to ourselves but when we get it, sometimes we don’t know what to do!  (O.o)

For most of us however, if we are at home and it’s a cold or rainy day outside, we have nowhere to go, nothing urgent we need to do, the housework is done, both the spouse and the kids are taking a nap and not making demands on you (lucky! lucky! lucky!), etc. … we can take a moment to relax.

Let’s imagine that you have no Internet access and no television to watch, but you do have some “MEtime”.

Which activity would you prefer?

Reading a book OR listening to music?

♦  Reading a book, though very enjoyable, holds me captive.  Although I must say that snuggling up under a warm blanket, during a quiet time, and reading a good book is a treasured moment.  But I’m stuck on a couch, an easy chair, or in my bed, holding the book with two hands and reading it.  I can’t move freely around the house or do anything else.  Yes.  I know I’m supposed to be relaxing.  But!! … I have to multitask!  It helps me relax.  LOL.  The easiest way to remedy this “problem” is to listen to an audiobook.

♦  I prefer listening to music.  I still have a CD player.  Just pop in 5 CDs and listen to music for hours.  As an alternative, I can turn on the radio to an easy listening station or find a playlist on YouTube.   (I love Enya!)  While I’m listening to music, I can do other things that are also relaxing.  Knitting, crocheting, art, look through old photographs, etc.  If I have a pair of wireless headphones?  That’s even better.  It’s my music world.  I keep my music all to myself and nobody can intrude.  If the music is soothing enough, I could even slow myself down completely and fall asleep.

Did you know that there is a #NationalRelaxationDay?  Isn’t that wonderful?


  • How do you spend your MEtime?

    • Reading a book
    • Listening to Music
    • Some other activity


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