This is my third post as participation in the challenge of Ellie – Sharing Is Caring.
One proof that age cannot be deceived is the vision. Generally, after a certain age, our eyes begin to experience presbyopia, due to gradual thickening and also the loss of the degree of flexibility in the natural lens experienced by the inner eye, as well as with my eyes.
Just to hold the severity of the disorder or if it can reduce it, then I often use glasses therapy Pinhole Glasses is glasses without the lens. This stuff is made from Polypropylene synthetic material, made in black to reduce the intensity of light entering our eyes. The existing pinhole or hole, made with a diameter of approximately 1 mm and in a certain position to train the eye muscles for the lens of the eye is able to focus the shadow of objects right on the retina of the eye.
Indeed the working principle of this therapy tool is the same as when we peek something from a small hole. What happens is definitely the object we see will appear more clearly not. It happens because the light that goes into the eyes precisely on the pupil will less and more focus. So the shadow of the object that we see is right on the yellow spots of the eye retina.
If you think deeply, this thing again gives me the picture that after childhood, our focus on the beauty of simple things is expanding. The eyes of our thoughts and desires widen, and continue to widen in such a way that it is difficult to be satisfied. The glasses of therapy have reminded me to refocus on the simplicity of thinking and simple thinking. And that is miraculous because in that way we will easily be able to be amazed at the beauty of the simple little things.
Question of
Do you use eyeglasses because of eye defects?
Question of
Have you ever used pinhole glasses?
Question of
Is it able to help correct your vision?
Question of
Beyond the physical eye, are you easy to see beauty in everything?
Question of
Are you interested to see the miracle?
I work hard to look through. To see for real…
I’m sure you are that kind of person!
I strive to be that kind of person
As life is a struggle and to learn
I must agree with Socrates- “The unexamined life is not worth living…”
Yes. I also agree with him…
Tear down the veil and see what is hidden behind
Then, what have you seen behind the veil?
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die…
Don’t worry, I am an easy person easily entertained, especially with things that do not make sense, specifically with things that smell the realm of death for I came from there.
In a sense, didn’t we all come from death? Are we not going to return sooner or later?
Yes, that’s how we all are. But that’s no secret at all, then what has Socrates seen behind the curtain?
Possibly the Platonic ideal? Socrates didn’t really have a veil, he had a cave analogy…
In essence, do you think, more or less, what have the philosophers or wise seen? Outside the cave or behind the veil…
We have a lot of delusions as a species; time, morality, equality, money, those sorts of things. They don’t exist in nature. I am not saying they are bad, but they are human inventions that have no context outside of humanity
People just act like these things are real but philosophers understand that they aren’t. When they imagine a utopia, many of these things wouldn’t need to exist at all…
An interesting point of view! Do you agree with that pov?
Certainly. There is no need for an electoral college any more but we act like the aren’t a dangerous and obsolete institution that goes against the very idea of democracy. Or, put differently, people insisting the US is a democracy when it is clearly a republic…
If anything, folks seem more ready than ever to renounce reality for delusions these days
Is it like a collective social consciousness toward a particular evolution?
I’d call it devolution but yeah. Individuals create a society and that society creates individuals. It’s the chicken/egg problem… You can’t have a perfect society without perfect people
…and both have roles, responsibilities, and strengths to improve common prosperity if there are a will and action.
Ineffective or corrupt government gives rise to lawlessness, which creates a vicious cycle. We’re seeing this again now, we’ve seen it countless times in the past…
I am nearsighted, but looking for beautiful objects around me is a great exercise for my eyes. I didn’t know about the glasses you mentioned.
Exercise for the eyes is good and necessary. The glasses I mean are in the picture of this post.
Yes, I mean I hadn’t heard of them before reading your post. I always learn a lot from you!
Wow! It was a great compliment that was very encouraging to start my Virily task!
Thanks, Ellie
Yes I have glasses as you know. I have a pigmentation I think it is called so I have had to see a specialist at times, but all is great now.
I’m happy if all is great now, LaJenna.
I use reading glasses for now but I know it will eventually change.
That’s the inevitable thing, is not it?