
Love ItLove It

Unknown Orb …

That unknown orb is there,

not visible but emitting light.

A woman could see and feel it,

A man could see and feel it,

but the proud failed to see it.

It’s being melted, slowly, by despising acts.

Finally, all left are a mesh of molten,

that hardens into a burden.

The proud had not gained anything

but loses something that lights up

the surrounding.

This is the 6th entry with “original” images. Just a quick note for myself for a challenge which I must post with only self taken photos or illustrations as cover image.

  • Do you believe some things, when destroyed are not fixable?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by alibb


  1. A wonderful challenge you have created for yourself. I love your words. And my heart is broken forever, it can never be fixed. That is one example I can think of.
