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Unique Rose Trio

Sharing a photo from my rose garden. This trio of buds stood out among the rest. One of the buds looks unique from the others. It is starting to open but I have never seen a bud like this one. Maybe it is defective. Not sure if rose buds can be defective but I will watch it to see if it opens fully into a bloom. I know there are often buds that never open. This will be interesting to watch.

Something new I have learned in nature. Not all rose buds are the same. Just like sunsets. And just like each one of us. We are all different in our own way. I embrace that concept and know it is reality. How boring would it be if everything and everybody were alike.


  • Do you agree we are all different, but that is a good thing?

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18 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. It seems an exciting thing to watch as these buds slowly grow into full bloom roses. Maybe Thumbelina is inside the different rose. Pardon me with my out of this world imagination. But the flowers are beautiful in their early stage.

    • Yes I really enjoy this time of year. Thumbelina is a good idea. I do call it my magical garden. You are fine, I enjoy your analysis.

  2. Very interesting flower. There must be little difference in nature and among people. The world would otherwise be boring.

  3. Lol, we don’t need 1000000 Carols in the world … but we can have a many different Carols, alibb(s), albert(s) …
    This rose is indeed unique, can’t wait to see how it turns out!!

  4. It’s good that we are different … the idea that there would be so many identical people … a beautiful picture

    • Great question. Several days and sometimes weeks. Some roses expand slowly and hold their bloom for a long time, while others bloom and drop quickly. It takes about two weeks from the time a bud sets to the time the blossom opens. Sunlight exposure, temperature and other environmental conditions factor into this timing as well.