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Thursday Reflections – Un bărbat într-un pahar cu apă!

Two weeks ago I had a photo session where I took some pictures for Thursday Reflections. I showed you some of these photos in my previous posts. Among the photos taken is one that I particularly like. It is one that I managed to catch a man who was crossing the street. I included this photo in my photo project Passers by my street.

I share this photo with Thursday Refctions Challenge.

  • Can you see the man in this water glass??

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Ileana Calotescu



  1. Note: Pfff! By mistake, the title of my post appears in Romanian language! Sorry about that! I translated the title but forgot to save the draft before publication. Anyway I can’t do anything but translate the title into this comment! So the title had to be “The man into a water glass”!