Monkeys make some of the cutest pictures and babies monkeys never fail to make the cut. They are not only make cute pictures but also make some hilarious ones too.
For these three cuties here, three is not a crowd, it is still company. I love this rather serious bunch of baby monkeys. I wonder what kind of conversation they are having. Perhaps the older one Mr.White who is in the middle is teaching the younger ones about what they can eat and what to avoid. Mr Gray is so caught up in taking care of Mr Black while eating the leaves.
This composition is very special to me because of the hues, textures and expressions on their wizened faces. Monkeys never fail to interest me.
Question of
Do you like monkeys? Do you find them cute?
Not really
Question of
Will you tell me what kind of conversation you think these three guys are having in the comments?
Lovely picture. I suppose they have a very “serious” conversation about personal hygiene.
I love monkeys and Doc seems to have the conversation figured out. 🙂
Aw, this is such a cute capture!
I had to take this photograph, They were so engrossed in whatever they were doing.
Ellie how about taking the banana conference further?
I’m not talented to make this conversation. And I have no time to think because I’m at work. The photo made me smile. Thanks.
Nope you are very talented Lacho. I am sure you can give it a try.
Mr. White has conveyed the first meeting of the Banana Convention.
He calls the meeting to order, but sadly the two factions Mr gray and Mr. black refuse to accept the gavel starting the convention and begin an argument.
Mr. Black “I feel that you are over-consuming banana”
“Mr gray “I feel you are a banana”
The conversation devolved from there.
LOL what a great conversation they are having. I hope the banana conventions goes on without any further hitches.
well the motion on the floor, once the bickering stops, is the election of officers. That has long been disagreement amongst the original three, or the founders of the Banana Convention!
Hmm.. they have some serious work to do. hope they finally get it done.
we certainly hope they do! without their consent bananas must stay on trees!