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Theory of green grapes

I once read Lafontain’s tale about a fox who was very keen on grapes but couldn’t reach them. And then he decided to comfort himself by saying, “Those grapes are so green, so I don’t want them at all.”

We had a nice laugh with my mom about this fox trick. But over time, it has become the trick for both of us: when life went awry and didn’t get something we were craving, we said: “those grapes were green anyway, and I don’t need them.”

You found a dream dress, but your size was just bought by another fox, well, the grapes were green …

You so dreamed about that job, but it went to that creepy fox, well, let’s make it as a blessing, you’ll get even better, you never know when you lose, when you discover.

Self-deception, I know. But for me, the theory of green grapes has helped a lot in my life and still helps. It is easier when you realize – you do not want those green grapes, you do not want them at all. All remorse and self-pity evaporate instantly.

And this method of self-deception helps me make the right decisions, at least for me.

And every time life does not give you something or shows you some obscene snail of a three-finger combination, don’t despair, just remember the leafy theory of green grapes.

© Fortune, 2019

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Written by Fortune


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  1. Some grape varieties are supposed to be green when ripe! I have always assumed that these are the ones from which white wine is made, but I could be wrong!

    My understating of the Fox and the Grapes story is that the fox said that the grapes were sour, not green, and that is the origin of the term “sour grapes”.


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