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The world's intelligent child's dream shattered by the university

Belgium’s Laurent Simon is described as the ‘smartest and intelligent kid in the world’, but after a dispute with the University of the Netherlands, his dream of becoming the youngest graduate is not seems to be fulfilled. Laurent is now 9 years old and will celebrate his 10th birthday on December 26 and he had to complete his graduation before his birthday.

Laurent became the focus of attention around the world last month when it came to the conclusion that he was about to complete his degree in electrical engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology before the end of the year, after which he will become the world’s youngest graduate.

How ever on 09 December , The university administration told Laurent and his parents that the university would not be able to take all the exams till this date.

Laurent accused his university while sharing an email sent by examination committee that, when he protested the failure of an oral examination at the university, the university changed the date of the examinations. 

The university says in its statement that “Laurent is a talented child and completing his study at an incredible speed. The university has offered Laurent to complete his studies by the middle of next year, which Laurent parents rejected this offer and dismiss his child from the university.

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