
The Virily community

I am on a couple of other Sites where there is a slot for discussing issues relating to Virily. Not many I notice know about the changes that the Site undergoes from time to time. 

Unlike other Sites Virily Admin never updates its community on changes made but thanks to a few users here their alertness is the only source the community has to know of the changes made.  

My studied observation shows

– we no longer earn for viewing and commenting on posts of other users

-When our posts are viewed we earn 3 virils for  each view  limiting to 50 views a day 

-We earn 2 virils when comments are made on our posts including our own comments. I am not aware if there is an earning  limit on comments received.

In the good old days users just viewed posts and they earned.  There are users who have never written a single post but have been paid for just viewing posts.  These users will earn nothing now unless they start posting. 

And by the way  did you notice most here are now designated as ‘LEGEND’?  I did see one user  who has the ‘EXPERT’ designation. 

  • Have you made any other observations which you would like to share here?

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What do you think?

11 Points

Written by grace


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    • Some still do not know that viewing posts of others will earn them nothing. I keep getting such views even now. Some of these users do not create any posts and so I cannot get back to them and view and comment on their posts.

      • The person who they have viewed seem to still earn 3 points though, so they are doing a favour for some. Maybe they will catch on soon though, when they notice their own earnings have dwindled a bit.

        “May 6, 2020 1:12 am 3 Virils for view of Sad Story: When, And Why The Bad Guy Sometimes Wins.”

  1. Yes, I have noticed these changes too. My monthly virils earned have reduced considerably.

    Since, I began here, earnings have just been reduced more and more.

    I think we should earn for commenting, as otherwise, what is the incentive for doing so?

    • I have had users who just viewed my posts earlier and they earned quite a bit. They did not post anything. But now they will have to create posts in order to earn. I would encourage users to create posts.

      You are right about having no motivation to view and comment on posts of others since you do not earn for that activity. The only way to earn would be to create posts as those whose posts you view will get back to your posts.

          • Yes, earning for viewing alone tends to attract people just interested in quick earnings I guess. I agree with stopping that.

            But for commenting more than just a few words, say, for writing more than 10 words as a comment, should still count, I think, and yet, unless, there is someone checking the comments, people could also “game” that too, by just copying and pasting again, the same comment, on multiple posts.


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