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The main causes of cancer by Angelina Julie’s Cancer Surgeon

Too much use of meat can cause different diseases, However, a leading surgeon recently indicated towards another risk.

Hollywood’s famous actress Angelina Jolie’s breast cancer surgeon Dr Christi fink, says, that meat and dairy products can increase the risk of breast cancer. Christi is one of the leading breast cancer surgeons, and she has treated many Hollywood celebrities  including Angelina Julie.

According to Christ, processed meat increase the growth of cancer cells. She say, the way our body responds to the protein and fat of different animal meat, that is dangerous. She added 80% of our various illnesses are our non-healthy lifestyle and non-balanced nutritional habits and daily use of different vegetables reduces the risk of breast cancer.

He suggested that use vegetable to avoid various diseases, including cancer. Christy says that using olive oil in food reduces 68% of the risk of cancer. According to her, dairy products can also cause cancer, so it should be used in small quantities.

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