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The eaten mango is sure an indicator

We have a few mango trees and they yield each year.  Since those mangoes all look green we never know when they will be ready for harvesting.  And that is when we depend on the birds and squiririels to send us indicators.  A half eaten mango that they drop down sure tells us it is time for harvesting. 

Our garden is designed with birds and squirrels in mind  We do not mind if they help themselves but they are such a great help when it comes to telling us when it is time to harvest our produce. 

The photo is that of our Alphonso the best variety among the other mangoes we have.  They turn completely yellow and that is when they are ready to eat.  We have to store them in a basket till then. 

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Written by grace


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  1. I am glad that the creatures can come to eat your mangos. No fruit outside here so every day I put out bread for the squirrel that comes and some leftover food for the outside cats and at night an opossum comes to eat what is left

  2. Yeah, I let the squirrels steal bird seeds from the birdfeeder. They are cute little thieves. Two of them were fighting for the bird seeds once, and they scared me. I thought there was a cat fight because of their squeaking noise. I hope the rabbits come and steal some, too. I want to feed all the wildlife…


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