In a casual chat with the parish priest in the nearby church, I learned that the church is having a campaign in inviting seminarians who have the vocation to be a priest someday. A priest has to undergo a complete education in finishing a degree before going to theology studies. And that’s aside from the preparation for the psychological part of it since being a priest means celibacy – not allowed to marry and not even allowed to fall in love with another person.
Obviously it is not easy to become a priest. And the work of the priest is not easy because he is not confined to the chores in the church. He is the adviser in the community and he also gets involved in charting a solution to social problems. And since a priest has a vow of charity, that means he cannot get rich. So what is the reward of being a priest?
Is there a Catholic church in your city?
in the other city only
No , we don;t have ……
The area where I now live in mostly had Greek Orthodox churches