The beauty of a tree is its canopy, the way it spreads its branches, its basic structure. Without the leaves the tree looks stark and naked. But if you ask a bonsai creator about the beauty of the tree, he/she would tell you it is in the structure, the branches and how it spreads above the trunk .
The foundation of a building is often hidden, it isn’t the most beautiful part of the building. However if the foundation isn’t solid, it isn’t strong enough or rightly positioned the building is in great danger.
Looking at trees, I admire the leaves, the canopy, the flowers and the fruits, I hardly ever look at the basic structure and appreciate what makes the tree really beautiful. We often get carried away by appearances, we sometimes judge the book by the cover. It is important to see beyond what meets the eye, listen beyond the words that are uttered and recognize the pain behind the smile.
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Do you see the beauty in these branches?
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The stark not so pretty looking trunk is what make the tree beautiful ,right?