The word of the day is Libel. Libel or defamation is a legal term used to express the right of a person to have things said about them that are untrue removed by a Judge. Fake news, by the way, is not a synonym for Libel and defamation. Why? There is no the burden of proof on the accuser. You see to win a libel suit you have to be able to prove first that the information wasn’t true. Or that while partially true, the information caused damage beyond the intent.Finally, and probably the easiest to prove is that the news organization used the information willfully with the intent of impact. Fake news does not require any proof; you need to say it out loud. If you look up defamation and libel court decisions on google or bing, you’ll find very clear definitions of what impact,
I’ve been playing with the Travisblue hardware and software voice translation system for the past week. The system provides you with a box (Travis Blue) and software (I am using the iOS version there is also an Android version). The hardware is light and should be fairly easy to carry. I wonder about battery life., Will have to play it the solution a lot more before I do a review. I’ve been using the nice Pilot earpieces. They’re very effective overall on the translation end. The beauty of the pilot earpieces that you gain the additional ability to use them as a phone headset, taking and making the conference and cellular calls as well as using them as headphones while outside.
Overall, I use the pilot more but am going to try the travels system to see. My goal for this “solution” in the long run is to help my wife. She often has to deal with people that speak some languages. If these systems can help her, then I am all about that part. Plus it is her favorite color (Blue). I do like the application they include with the Travis Blue. I will warn you it is not a setup and start using right away type solution. You do need to spend a little time learning how to use the system effectively. Travis is part of the gen3 release of voice translation hardware. Back in the day (when I was traveling internationally a lot) I used to have a device I could type in, and have it translate for me. The second Gen devices allowed you to capture (record) a voice and have the system translate it. They were fairly large (not really hand held) Travis and the Gen3 devices(pilot) are smaller and the translation ability is far greater now than it was.
Question of
Do you understand the legal burden of proof in the phrase Fake News?
Question of
Did you know that more journalists were arrested and jailed around the world in 2017, than any year in the previous 20?
Question of
Did you see a report about the US economic growth?
Question of
Have you heard, seen a report or read about the US economic growth rate as of June 2018?
Question of
Did you know the wage gap (poorest to weathiest Americans) has increased every single month since APril 2018?
When I need the translation of a website, I just use Google Translate. I suppose the voice translation hardware would be useful for email and such.
Actually they are intended for live conversations. They focus on converting the spoken word of one langague to the spoken word of another.
Interesting info. I’m wondering what advantages this Travisblue has over Google Translate. I’ve used the latter quite effectively in live situations in a few countries, and there’s no set-up, just carry your phone.
Agreed. However, two things.
1. Do that in South America, or the US/Canada your EU phone will have a little more expensive if you do. Somewhere are 200, 300 bucks.
2. Same is South East Asia.
The value proposition of the translation hardware is that it is stand alone. You don’t need a data phone connection. Google translate is great, as long as you have both cell service and data. The cell phone is more of a swiss army knife approach. With a stand-alone system, you have a little more specific capability. Oh yeah and it depends on your phone, but it is highly likely that the travisblue has a better microphone that your phone does. Hi-gain Microphones were a part of all iPhones until 2014. Now the mics are nowhere near as good.
I use Google Translate often myself, as I work up my review I am adding your question to my list.
Good points. A family member will be travelling in rural Thailand soon, and I’ll be interested to hear how G Translate works for her there 🙂
Thailand is the one place I can actually get along with the language a bit. Well and Spanish a bit as well. Thanks again for the great question to add to the review for Travis!
Good article ………
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wondering nice post Doc..
Thanks, Hamza. I am glad you liked the post!
Yes I knew all of these facts from Fox News but no other source. Learned more knowledge from you that I needed to know about the word of the day. Thanks for explaining.
The facts about wage gap were only on CNN. The CNBC, Bloomberg, and CNN Money all carried the economic news, it was on their web site as well.
I never watch CNN. I used to visit Bloomberg, I need to do that more often.
My father and grandfather both told me to always hear both sides. I watch CNN, Fox, and others frequently. I want to understand both sides of the argument.
I try to keep an open mind but just cannot tolerate CNN. Each to his own.
Thank you so much for sharing this word of the day which is new for me!!! However, I’m familiar with its synonym. It’s funny but I firstly saw the word “defamation” when reading “The Forsyte Saga” by John Galsworthy. As for your poll, my answers to 2 first questions are “yes”, questions 3-5 – “no”.
It is an interesting word, one that many people in the US ignore.