One of the stats I would love to see from Virily, and other blogging sites is the Needle movers. Google, Bing and the other search engines all talk about Search Engine Optimization to improve the positioning of your searches. This is sometimes called SEO. The use of tags, specific words and so on is how you move up or down the search rankings. There are two types of needle movers on sites like Virily. The first is the “when they comment” other people also read and comment but these are mostly other people from the site. The other is those that bring in guest views. I would love to know who does either one of those. Not having access to the statistics is the issue. Just something to consider as we go forward with the platform!
As the reader base on Virily ebbs and flows, you’ll see the value in knowing that information. There are people who bring viewers with them. There are users that honestly if they don’t or do read your posts there is little to no impact either way. It is like the reality of cut and pastes comments. At some point, it takes more time to respond to cut and paste comments than it took the person to cut and paste the comments. The same is true of the interesting comments at times, (one word followed by 10, 12or more punctuation marks). Comments are really important to me; I take time to respond to all the genuine comments I get. I do not respond to ones with lots of punctuation marks or ones that are copied and paste.
The other stats I would love to see from Virily would be the actual user count per day. I know for many posts there are often 100 or so people that read the posts within five days. I have, however, noticed that lately there are posts that seem to stay active (gaining readers) for 5 or more days. I would love to know where or what social media drives the most readers. All of these are future state dreams for the platform; I wouldn’t ask for that information until the platform itself was stable. There are always bugs in deploying software. Web platforms in and of themselves are very complex. Complexity isn’t bad, and when you consider the stats that Virilycaptures makes things even more complex. As the platform continues to mature,I am going to ask for more states. For now, I am happy just wondering.
Your posts are always very interesting. Your style of writing is unique and one that peeks my interests.
Thank you for the kind words, Lajenna. It is always nice when someone tells you they like what you post!
these are all excellent suggestions, but Virily can’t seem to manage to generate the metrics for simple views some of the time…
I suspect they can, it isn’t hard. Their issue (IMHO) is that often people have tried to cheat the system, Gaining points by avoiding the rules as it were. Makes it much harder to drain the swamp when you are up to your neck in alligators.
are you suggesting that the metrics are deliberately being hidden to prevent misuse?
I am. First off there are people that have platform issues, that would annouce to the world (I am a top 4 influencer on the site, and I will not post anymore if you don’t fix X.) They have to protect the platform from threats like that. Plus there was a huge incidence of cheating on the site that started last year. They have cleaned most of it up, but there are still a few issues.
Finally there is the ongoing issues, more things like comments with more “periods” than letters (nice post……………) to get to 20 characters.
So yes, they are hidden right now. They aren’t hard to get.They can be dangerous to share.
I see what you mean. A shame that a few cheaters ruin things for everyone but that’s the way it is everywhere
it is a sad reality, cheating and skirting the edges of the system. The willingness of some people to say “these rules don’t actually apply to me because I am special.” It makes me wonder sometimes.
don’t get me started on the whole entitled mentality, it is like someone wanted to drag the whole nation down to the lowest common denominator and then started handing out awards just for showing up
You have brought up great suggestions Doc. I agree with you. I have seen all of these stats n other sites and it does help you. We actually have the right to know and it shouldn’t be that hard to do. I love seeing graphs and numbers about the posts I share. Hopefully you will spark a fire under someone with your suggestions.
I hope so but I am not holding my breath. I waited this long for them to stabilize the site. I won’t push until we are even a little more stable.