
Tech Wiz on making troubleshooting easier…

I have a really good friend that works on a helpdesk. He often emails me after helpdesk posts to say things like “tell people that when we are trying to help, there are two reasons why it seems like we say the same thing. The first is, we need to figure out where you areally ard. The second is the reality of vanilla; if we can get you somewhere that we understand or that both of us understand, we can move forward.” I keep meaning to share that; he has sent it to me about five times so far. Helpdesk professionals, and people trying to help you aren’t mean. They are simply trying to remove all the variables. For example, if you have more than ten browser windows open, that impacts three things on your computer.

  • The processor
  • The network
  • Your graphics chip

On low-end computers, any one of those three will blow up. Getting people to understand that sometimes the problem is on their system is hard. I know it is something that many people struggle with. We, in the US, have spent the last two years playing blame the other person for all the failings around us. The easy way to solve your problems is to blame someone else.

Now, back to the technology issue, if you are trying to run a complex website on an i5 chip, you’ll have a different perspective than someone running an i7 chip and so on. If you are running chrome with ten open websites, you’ll have a different experience than someone else. If the ten sites are loaded with updating information, you will impact both the processor and the network you are connected to.

All of these things are what cause you to have computer issues. There are many more.

As you work to remove the variables, you have to make sure you remove all of them!

I finally shared my friend’s request! I hope this helps you as you evaluate how to solve your problems with your computer.

  • Question of

    Do you try to troubleshoot issues on your own?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Have you ever yelled at a helpdesk person?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you get frustrated when someone asks the same question?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I have never called the helpdesk at all.

    This is additional knowledge for me, Doc. Is it different between opening ten Windows browsers with ten tabs? Is it just a browser? What about for example opening a browser, mailbox, and eight pages of Virily?

    • As always Albert you’ve asked a great follow-on question.

      1. Let’s look at it this way. Every computer program is a bee. Now, every processor your computer has (at least 1, sometimes 2) is capable of sustaining Bees. However, the size of the bee and the size of the flower is critical.
      2. What does that mean in English? Well if you have too many bees (open) each Bee has to wait. The problem is that some bees don’t wait. So instead of being good flower citizens, they keep pushing to be connected directly tot he flower. Each window you have open on your computer could be a good bee or a bad bee. Or a combination bee that is good for the most part, until it needs something then it’s a bad bee.

      The more bees you have open the more potential issues you have.

  2. We are frustrated before we even make the call, so no matter what they say or ask we are going to get more furstated it seems. I would not want the job of a help desk representative.
