Most who do sedentary jobs such as sitting at the PC for hours develop a bulging stomach. Stomach vacuuming exercise is what many are talking about these days although this practice has been there for quite some time.
The notion that one develops a stomach because of wrong diet is not fully correct as wrong diet would have weight on the whole body.
Yoga has such an exercise known as Kapalbhati which is vigorous by all standards and not all can do it.
I am seriously thinking of going for this exercise as thanks to Virily I seem to have developed a paunch. Ever since I got registered here I spend quite a few hours at the PC??
This video shows how stomach vacuuming exercise is done
Question of
Do you believe proper exercise can flatten the stomach?
Question of
Do you believe in Yoga?
Now you have something to combat the Virily paunch.
Very interesting information. I love yoga but I have to be very careful about my spine problems.
I used to do yoga before but after my accident I cannot do those moves.
Yoga and walking are two exercises I prefer.
But the kapalbhati in yoga is quite strenuous.
Hmm I’ve got to do something too. Posture is another major issues for developing a rounded belly I guess.
I have developed one all because I sit for hours although I do get up now and then
Believe in the benefit of all physical exercises, but without overload for the body. Thank you very much for this interesting post!!!
Even I prefer light exercises and this seems to be easy enough