This is just the background to a work in progress, right now it is just a stairwell but it already seems to have a story. Now I need to add a figure and really get things moving. Let me know where you think this piece should be headed in the comments
Question of
do prefer a sharper image?
Question of
or perhaps something softer?
Question of
or perhaps something softer?
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should the girl on the stairs be cyberpunk?
Question of
or should she be gothic?
one of these days I will get a girl to sit on those stairs
you haven’t even seen the pose yet
Normally I like sharp but in this case, I much prefer the softer image. I guess I am getting old.
or your tastes are changing… nothing wrong with that
Or, as a third postulate, I am watching too much Arrow…
a perfectly honorable possibility
Merci. Time to watch some lighter fair I suspect!
Nice Poll Alex Thnxx for share.
You are most welcome, my good man
Couldn’t really choose as I liked them all.
how kind of you to say
I picked cyberpunk and the softer version.
thanks for your participation
Cyberpunk girl on #2… as she will do well on the softer stairwell. The softer look will not take away from her hot look and outfit.
We’re going to find out if you’re right…
I just have a good feeling about it.
Hopefully my computer agrees with you