Everyone needs something to believe in. Some will find answers in religion. Some will find answers in meditation. Some with find answers from others. Some will find answers in mindful eating. Some just need to be in the limelight, for any reason. The point is that everyone needs that hope and conviction that something, someday, will work as they wish and desire.
I find it interesting to see what others believe in and use as their base. It’s very personal and I don’t believe any will share here. Still, I hope they will take time and think about it.
Question of
Do you know your core beliefs?
Question of
Do you know where your stability comes from?
For me it depends. There are always things that interest me but my inner core, my heart comes within the poetry I write. That poetry is something that connects me to both the moment and the emotion.
You want to know something really odd. You say you don’t know what you believe in, but it’s your strength and a few others here that are carrying me through. I am okay because I believe in your strength.
I used to know what I believed in, until I lost my son. Everything changed and I have no idea now. But i keep going. I find a way to push through. Maybe one day I will know what keeps me going.