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Something Old ~ Black & White Friday

This photo was taken last month when I ate at a restaurant outside the city. The dining area of the restaurant itself is outside the room which is on the edge of a cliff.

In the dining area, there are several collections of old vehicles such as this jeep and several other old cars besides old motorbikes too. Unfortunately, it all just piled up and certainly can not be turned on.

Maybe all of that is because restaurant owners like to collect old vehicles as well as to provide something for restaurant visitors to take selfies. For me, at the time I thought this would be some of the posting material on Virily, who knows when. Apparently that intention can be realized at this time.

It seems like anything that seems useless turns out to be still useful for other purposes. Moreover humans like us, right?

  • Have you ever know someone who feels useless? Assume that his life is meaningless?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

20 Points


  1. Everyone is capable of falling into this state. It is very important that this is not continued for a long time. I’m glad these old cars are on the move the owners are using them for something useful. It is a pleasure to see you again dear friend.

    • I did see many people fall into that state, some rose, some sought a deeper meaning in life, some others had a mental breakdown then…

      I think, putting that old jeep there is indeed very useful and interesting.

      And, Oh, I’m also very happy to meet you again, dear friend.

  2. This old truck reminds me of my Grandpa. He probably felt useless as he aged. But we all continue with a purpose, no matter our age. Of course I have felt this way many times in life. And I always find reasons to continue moving ahead. Great photo and again, so very good to see you!

    • In old age, many people may evaluate their lives and make certain conclusions according to their perceptions and points of view, but I do see that such insignificant feelings can occur in people of any age.

      Thanks for the compliment, Carol. So great to see you too.