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Some Simple Tricks For Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy. Most of us try to make happiness ours in our own ways.  But we maybe overlooking certain things that keep us unhappy. These are things everyone can do  to increase their levels of happiness.

Don’t clutter you life, when you have too many things on your plate there maybe no place for happiness in your life. So make space/time to do the things that make you happy and are very important to you – such as family time.

Learn to say ‘no’. There will be less on your plate when you learn to say ‘no’. It is important to know to delegate work and let others grow.

Choose to keep company with people who motivate you, inspire you or make you laugh.  Some of these qualities could rub off on you in the long run. If you have to unfollow people on social media who bring out negativity and unhappiness in you do it right away.

Remember social media is mainly of entertainment value (unless of course you use it for business and educational purposes)  keep it that way. Too much time spent there could eat into your time for real life things.

Stop complaining excessively.

Check negative thoughts, they can certainly spoil your mood.

Focus on what can/should be done  rather than giving way to fear and anxiety.

Its is good not to ignore your emotions but don’t be lead by them, emotions are not always based on facts.

Listen, be patient, learn to wait nothing happens instantly and don’t stop doing good.

Allow yourself to be happy.

  • Question of

    Did you have a fun weekend?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Would you tell me what made you happy in the weekend in the comments section?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Dawn


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  1. Great doable tips to be happy! Thank you. Yes, I stay away from whining and complaining. I always see the good in people, (except the obviously obnoxious individuals :-)) Kindness is the secret to happiness, too.

    Have a wonderful day, Dawn!

  2. I am happy that I can work online and do writing projects and the only thing is that I have to get out more but working right now and seeing myself get paid for my online writing work is the most important at the moment.

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